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Please be aware that there is newer version of documentation available for Webswing. Documentation 24.2

System Properties

Following system properties can be used to change the defaults of Webswing.

Webswing Server and Webswing Cluster Server

Set these in server startup script.

Property Description Default Value
webswing.warLocation Location of WAR file
webswing.rootDir Root directory ${user.dir}
webswing.propertiesFile Path to properties file (including file name)
webswing.configFile Path to config file (including file name)
webswing.configReloadIntervalMs Number of milliseconds for config reload interval 1000
webswing.defaultWelcomePage Path to default welcome page resource to show when "/" is accessed /selector/index.html
webswing.fileServletWaitTimeout Number of milliseconds to wait for a file to be ready for download 300000
webswing.proxyContextPath Explicit servlet context path
webswing.httpsOnly Force https only, sets cookies as Secure and SameSite to NONE by default true if config has https enabled and http disabled
webswing.cookieSameSite Value for SameSite cookie attribute if server runs in HTTPS only mode NONE
webswing.disableHttpSecurityHeaders Disable HTTP security headers - X-Frame-Options, X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection, Referrer-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security false
webswing.keep.instances How many closed instances should be kept in memory. The instances can be viewed in Admin Console (-1 for infinite) -1
webswing.websocketMessageSizeLimit Maximum size of websocket message in bytes 5242880
webswing.websocketMessageTimeout Timeout for the websocket message to be sent in milliseconds 30000
jetty.request.header.size Number of bytes as maximum request/response header size when using embedded Jetty 524288

Server Statistics

Set these in server startup script.

Property Description Default Value
webswing.stats.interval Granularity of the metrics, average of last N seconds 10
webswing.stats.historySize Number of observations kept in memory 60
webswing.stats.memUsageWarn Threshold to generate a memory usage warning 0.8 (80%)
webswing.stats.latencyWarn Threshold to generate a network latency warning (milliseconds) 700
webswing.stats.pingWarn Threshold to generate a ping warning (milliseconds) 500


Set these in application configuration field vmArgs.

Property Description Default Value
webswing.edtTimeout Timeout in seconds after which the application is considered to be not responding if Event Dispatch Thread is not responding 10
webswing.syncCallTimeout Number of milliseconds to wait for a synchronized WebSocket call between application instance and server to be successful 3000
webswing.waitForExit Default timeout in milliseconds for the application to exit gracefully, after this timeout the application will be forcefully terminated 30000
webswing.heartbeatTimeout Timeout in milliseconds to check application connection with its parent process, after this timeout expires the application is scheduled for shutdown because parent process is considered killed 5000
webswing.doubleClickMaxDelay Timeout in milliseconds between mouse clicks to be considered as multi-click 750
webswing.logLevel Log level of application logger (0 - TRACE, 1 - DEBUG, 2 - INFO, 3 - WARNING, 4 - ERROR, 5 - FATAL) 2
webswing.paintAckTimeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for acknowledgment from browser that the paint request has finished 5000
webswing.screenResolution Value of Toolkit.getScreenResolution() 96
webswing.drawDelayMs Webswing paint dispatching loop frequency 33
webswing.ddImageCacheSize Directdraw image cache size 128
webswing.ddConstCacheSize Directdraw initial rendering constant cache size 8192
webswing.ddMaxConstCacheSize Directdraw maximum rendering constant cache size (auto-increase when rendering frame reaches the current cache size) 262144
directdraw.serverSideGradients Directdraw will not render gradients in html canvas but in Java 2D (edge cases of gradient definitions can look differently in java and html canvas) false
directdraw.drawStringAsPath Use server side fonts to render text as to bezier curves (slow) false
directdraw.fontsProvided Force Webswing to look for fonts defined in CSS instead of downloading it through WebSocket false
webswing.encodingFormat DirectDraw has to be disabled, PNG or WEBP, use WEBP for low bandwidth PNG
webswing.webpQuality Image quality, low value produces smaller image 20
webswing.render.diff Removes pixels from final rendering that have not changed, buggy false
webswing.render.crop Removes transparent slices of the image from border parts false


In order for the custom configuration to work, you must set the custom values on every module - Webswing Server (Cluster Server), Admin Console Server, Session Pool.

Property Description Default Value
webswing.jwt.serialization.gzip Use GZIP compression of JWT token true
webswing.jwt.serialization.proto Use protobuf serialization of JWT token true
webswing.jwt.serialization.encryption Use encryption of JWT token true
webswing.jwt.token.handshake.expiration Expiration of handshake token in milliseconds 60000
webswing.jwt.token.access.expiration Expiration of access token in milliseconds 300000
webswing.jwt.token.refresh.expiration Expiration of refresh token in milliseconds 1800000
webswing.jwt.token.loginSession.expiration Expiration of login session token in milliseconds 300000
webswing.jwt.token.transfer.expiration Expiration of transfer token in milliseconds 1800000
webswing.jwt.token.adminConsoleLogin.expiration Expiration of admin console login token in milliseconds 1800000
webswing.jwt.token.adminConsoleAccess.expiration Expiration of admin console access token in milliseconds 300000
webswing.jwt.token.adminConsoleRefresh.expiration Expiration of admin console refresh token in milliseconds 1800000
webswing.jwt.token.adminConsoleThreadDump.expiration Expiration of admin console thread dump token in milliseconds 1800000
webswing.jwt.clockskew.seconds Set maximum clock skew interval between servers in milliseconds 180000
webswing.jwt.adminConsole.accessId.expiration Expiration of admin console access id used in login process in milliseconds 300000