Webswing is a proven solution currently in the usage of hundreds of companies all around the world.
In Webswing we are aware that companies want to move forward in every direction and that the software development is no exception. Eventually, they might be interested in migrating their software into the new era — the era of native web applications accessible through a browser on every device and platform. In September 2019 we had released a new version of our product — version 2.7. Besides many interesting features in this release, we have launched a brand new piece of functionality — CWM.
CWM — Compositing Window Manager offers better handling of windows because it renders each window into its own canvas. This enables advanced positioning in HTML document and better communication between java and canvas window.
In other words, CWM allows to run the Webswing (JavaApplication)application with or within the native application (html, javascript, etc.). This feature makes the entire process of migration easier than ever before. With rich API provided in CWM Documentation you can run both parts of software within one project and deliver the best currently available solution to the customers.
Furthermore, two-way communication option between Java and native app provides the power to migrate the application step-by-step at a constant pace with no excessive and unscheduled costs.
For more information about how to use CWM visit our Documentation or contact us.