With its strong focus on security, stable release cycle and with multiple licensing options, Webswing offers an advantage of removing a technical debt right away by implementing our solution.

How Webswing works

A new platform implementation for “Web” is defined by Webswing, which results in turning a web browser to a virtual desktop. Webswing translates platform specific actions to browser actions making it accessible to users instantly.

No source code changes are required to run Java based application in a web browser, which makes it the easiest and financially most advantageous solution for thousands of legacy applications all over the world. By simply installing Java libraries and telling Webswing where to find them, clients can easily implement our solution and use their desktop application with the exact same look and feel in a browser.

Single requirement to run the Java application is a web browser. No more installations nor downloads are required. Webswing is supported on all major web browsers that implement the HTML5 standard.

First steps of Webswing implementation

  1. Download the latest evaluation version of Webswing at: webswing.org/en/downloads
  2. Extract the archive
  3. Start the application using the provided bat file (websing.bat)
  4. Go to localhost:8080 and enter login credentials — user: admin, password:pwd
  5. Click manage — that brings you to the main admin console
  6. Click create app

The future of your software — Next steps

Webswing Migration Framework offers additional services for Webswing users in order to make sure their applications will offer the best possible experience in future as well. There are 3 main approaches clients can take with Webswing.

  • Webswing forever
  • ‘Big Bang’ approach
  • ‘Step-by-Step’ migration approach

Each one of these has its own pros and cons and it is recommended to consider all three of them when deciding the future of application. In order to better understand the Migration options, read Webswing Migration Framework or contact the sales department.


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