Experience the Devoxx UK 2024 Conference with us! Enjoy the news and pictures from our presentations and exhibition experience in London, UK.
Let's kick it off...
These two guys (Richard and Igor) are our presenters for the conference
Stand is getting ready
The talks started already...
Conferences create a great opportunity to meet with your customers too. Sending greetings to Murex 😊
It seems like puzzle 🧩 challenge getting traction at conferences all over the world 😜
And some more meetings with clients that we usually don't get to see in-person. Just lovely. Thank you BNYMelon
... and we talking with more people interested in Webswing, spreading the word about our technology
You can somehow evaluate the success of the conference presence by realizing that you gave away most of your merchandise already and the conference end is nowhere near. Richard poses here the sad look at our empty stand 😄
It's always nice, when you see someone else presenting your technology as a complementary solution to their technology. Vaadin, presenting here our Webswing Migration Framework as after launching the Webswing plugin for Vaadin our technologies are allowed to work together.
... and a nice team photo with guys from Vaadin
Oh, and by the way - in case someone hasn't found WEBSWING LIMITED yet, here is the location where you can find us at #DevoxxUK2024 🗺
And our endless talks with different expo visitors continue during the entire day...
Things has slowed down on the last day of the conference, but we still got to talk to some interesting people ...
And that's it for this year. Thank you DevoxxUK2024 for providing such a vibrant atmosphere...