With the first day of spring, it is time to step into a new season. 

The March equinox is known as the Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox. Changing of the day and night represents light and darkness in our lives. After the spring equinox, days are longer and nights are shorter. This gives space to a beautiful and appropriate time period to reset and honour all what we have experienced in recent months.

The spring equinox and time change concept brings everything in blossom and shine. We can notice nature waking up. We can enjoy more sunlight hours with the spring equinox. It means later sunsets and earlier dawns.

As days are getting longer, It is a time for a new life boost, discovering new opportunities for the future. The spring equinox arrives on Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 3:33 pm in Dublin. This day means the start of the spring season.

The time of Spring Equinox means that the day and the night are of equal length. The Equinox has a great importance to Irish people. This festival is associated with the goddess Ēostre or also known as Ostara. Ēostre or Ostara was the goddess of spring related to the festival of the spring equinox. 

Let's celebrate the Spring Equinox together. It is that period of the year when everything comes back to life and wakes up. Let's welcome the first day of spring. The Webswing team wishes you a very Happy Vernal Equinox with a greater vision to grow in the new season.


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