2020 has had its ups and downs for everybody on this planet. Webswing went through a lot as well. Strict restrictions connected to the pandemic situation all over the world forced us to find the new ways of cooperation with our clients, but also amongst the team members. Travelling and personal connections were practically freezed and dropped down almost to absolute zero. We had to find new ways how to work together and how to keep the team on track towards our goals.
Various courses of covid-19 spread in Ireland and Slovakia allowed us to at least bring the team together from time to time which helped a lot and boosted the productivity.
At the beginning of 2020 one of the most important board meetings was held. Board members made actual decisions that turned out to be the key reasons that predetermined the Webswing for the most successful year in its history.
Decisions were simple and were driven by the premise that our customers and users would rely on our product and services more than ever before:
- there must be no delays in new development
- strong focus on customer service
- make our product and services more available and accessible
- keep the employees happy and productive so the operations stay intact
As by implementing Webswing, companies save a ton of financial and HR resources, we thought those 4 major pillars would be crucial for our success in this year.
Now, as the 2020 draws to close, we are more than happy to announce the short summary of what we’ve done this year and why the mind-blowing performance of our team brought success to our customers and Webswing as well.
Webswing 2020 highlights
- Formalisation of stable release cycle and development vision
- Change in release version’s naming
- Simplified licencing model
- Webswing 20.1 release
- ‘Webswing Ambassador Wanted’ campaign
- Registered ® trademark obtained for Webswing brand and logo
- Java turned 25
- Migration Framework Promo Video
- New Webswing Client Portal
- Webswing 20.2 release
- Partnership with QF-TEST
Formalisation of stable release cycle and development vision
(Jan 2020)
Predictable release cycle and development vision are signs of stable and long-term support that customers can rely on.
Find out more about Release Cycle of Webswing software here
Find out more about Webswing Development Vision here
Change in release version’s naming
(Feb 2020)
Naming conventions are often source of misunderstanding and chaos. That’s why we’ve decided to change our naming to be more understandable. Now the versions are simply attached to the year with 2 major releases per year (apr / oct) and minor versions. Thats the reason why you can now download the version 20.2.1 from our download section.
Major change in version’s naming convention
Simplified licensing model
(Mar 2020)
Many of Webswing adopters were asking us about licensing, so we’ve made it as simple as it could possibly be. Thinking of everyone from commercial companies to charitable organizations. Check out our licensing on webswing.org/licensing
Simple and Understandable Licensing model
Webswing 20.1 release
(Apr 2020)
Undocking Swing windows to browser, Improved support for mixing Swing with native HTML content, New OpenAPI based REST interface for management, Accessibility support, Audio support, Improved Admin console, many bug and security fixes. That is just the top list of features included in this release.
First Webswing version with new naming convention
‘Webswing Ambassador Wanted’ campaign
(May 2020)
In 2020 we have organized a hunt for Webswing Ambassadors. In order to make Webswing better, we wanted to get to know how our customers utilize the Webswing. We were lucky to gains some great articles and examples from our ambassadors that now hang all across the internet.
Successful hunt for Webswing Ambassadors in 2020
Registered ® trademark obtained for Webswing brand and logo
(June 2020)
On the verge of summer we’ve been successfully granted with the Registered trademark for our logo. Since then we are even more recognizable.
New (R) trademark for our brand
Java turned 25
(July 2020)
To commemorate the great jubilee that Java achieved this year, we’ve prepared the special congratulation.
Special congrats to Java from Webswing
Migration Framework Promo Video
(Aug 2020)
As the Migration Framework is one of the best and unique features that help companies to migrate their desktop applications to web step-by-step very seamlessly, we’ve prepared short explanatory video to present the feature even simpler than ever before.
New Webswing Client Portal
(Oct 2020)
In October we’ve released the new Webswing Client Portal. As we admire client uniqueness, we wanted to launch something that reflects needs of their own. We are quite happy now that clients are gradually utilise the platform we’ve created for them. You can try Webswing Client Portal here.
You can read more about WCP here
Webswing 20.2 release
(Oct 2020)
Long awaited. Long expected. Most wanted. New version of Webswing 20.2with strong focus on enterprise customers. 20.2 was one of the biggest updates to Webswing in recent years, where the new feature — Cluster Engine was introduced. Read more about it in this article here.
Webswing version 20.2 is just ground breaking experience for enterprise customers
Partnership with QF-Test
(Nov 2020)
Just after couple of months of joined effort of two companies QF-Test and Webswing we’ve announce the business partnership where QF-Test incorporates the Webswing to their software for Test Automation.
Mutual effort of our companies ended up with the online special webinar provided by QF-Test. You can check it out here:
Successful outro
(Dec 2020)
As the result of this year Webswing team’s effort, we have been able to change the map that depicts the locations of our clients that we serve with Webswing from this layout
to this extraordinary result when we started to cooperate with clients from Australia, South America and added some more in Asia.
And we are happy that we’ve contracted some of the world’s major brands from various industries.
Just not to forget, we are also detecting the downloads of our AGPL version of Webswing from more than 200 countries around the world (Google Analytics — dec 2020), which pretty much means that Webswing penetrated to every corner of this planet already :)
Hopefully our customers are as excited about this year as we are. Nowadays we are determined to at least repeat and hopefully overcome our results from this year in the upcoming 2021. We cannot wait to bring many new features and services for our customers.