During the year we’ve brought plenty of new features into the Webswing (mostly in version 20.1) and developed services for our customers (e.g. improved 24/7 support).
This fall, besides the long awaited 20.2 release with strong focus on enterprise customers, we would love to present yet another great feature that we’ve prepared for Webswing users — Client Portal.
“With introduction of Webswing Client Portal we will be able to provide even higher standard of support and services for our customers”
Viktor Meszaros
CEO, Webswing
Main reason for creating this extraordinary feature for our clients and users is to really get closer and provide a more customized experience for them. Users will be able to benefit from great features of this service
- Privately managed Webswing repositories tailored for each client individually
- Real-time support issues tracking
- Team Management across the portal including permissions & access rights management for every employee individually
- Stats and insights
- Direct contact to Account Manager
We are very excited about launching this service and we truly cannot wait to see how our customer base will utilize new features of Webswing Client Portal. We will watch closely how this service works for clients and we have already prepared a ton of new features that will be added to the WCP in upcoming months.
Entire service is currently online and will be gradually distributed across the world. Full availability for every customer on the planet is expected within the weeks.
In case you have any questions about Webswing Client Portal or cooperation with Webswing, feel free to contact Webswing team.